Two ways that commercial swimming pool owners can minimise their running costs

If you own and operate a commercial swimming pool, here are two steps you can take to reduce your enterprise's running costs.

Invest in a high-quality pool pump

If you want to keep your running costs low, it is worth investing in a high-quality pool pump from a reputable brand (Davey pumps are one such example).

There are several reasons why Davey pumps are a worthwhile investment.

Firstly, their components are made from extremely robust materials; this means that a pump of this kind is far less likely to break down, even if is used every single day (as it is likely to be in a commercial swimming pool).

This, in turn, means that you won't have to spend time and money hiring a repair person to fix your pool pump.

Secondly, a well-made pool pump will be better able to keep up the demands placed on it by a busy (and therefore, quite dirty) commercial pool without malfunctioning or performing poorly.

Given that the pool pump plays an integral role in the sanitisation of pool water (as it helps to transfer contaminated water to the filter, where it is then cleaned), this should help you to avoid the costs associated with sanitation issues (such as, for example, having to purchase extra cleaning chemicals or have to pay compensation to customers who have been negatively affected by swimming in unsanitary pool water).

Thirdly, davey pumps are a lot more extremely energy-efficient than their cheaper, lower-quality counterparts and as such, installing one of them is likely to reduce the amount of electricity your pool pump uses throughout the course of an average day. This should help to keep your enterprise's energy bills quite low.

Cover the pool when it's not in use

If your pool is located outdoors, it is worth purchasing a cover and placing this over the water at the end of each workday.

The reason for this is as follows; if you do not cover your pool when it is not in use, airborne debris (such as twigs, leaves and bits of rubbish) will land in the water.

Because the presence of this type of debris could potentially create an unsanitary swimming environment for your customers, you would need to arrange for one of your employees to come in early each morning, and spend some time capturing and removing the contaminants from the water.

The money that you spend paying this employee to perform this task could, over time, add up to a significant figure.

Conversely, if you purchase a cover which will prevent debris from entering the pool water in the first place, you should be able to reduce your enterprise's running costs in the long-term.
