Must-Know Subjects for All Your New Managers

Business enterprises have several levels of management. There is top-level, middle-level and low-level management. Top-level management comprises individuals who sit at the highest point in the pecking order. They are the face of the company, and they make the most critical decisions. Examples include the chief executive officer and chief operations officers. Middle-level management often comprises the heads of departments in the organisation. Lastly, there is low-level management, which has the line managers and those directly in charge of employees. When you promote your employees to any level of management, you need to train them on particular subjects of management. Instilling these lessons in them during management training makes them efficient in their new role. Here are some of the most important topics for all new managers:

Conflict Resolution

Conflict occurs at any level in the organisation. Therefore, managers need to know how to handle conflict because they are in charge of other employers. Failure to manage conflict leads to lost productivity in the workplace, absenteeism and poor mental health among your employees.

Training your managers on conflict resolution teaches them to handle conflict using applicable methods. A good example is collaborating and competing. When the manager takes the collaboration approach, he or she makes the conflicting parties work together until they reach a solution that mutually benefits both of them. On the other hand, the competing approach works if your manager focuses on the outcome rather than the relationship of conflicting parties. The winner takes it all!

Recruitment and Firing

Managers are only as good as their teams. Indeed, they can only develop good teams if they understand the intrinsic qualities that your company looks for. Give your new managers a comprehensive training on the systems and practices used to hire new employees. This should also include the things they need to look out for when you need to let someone go. What qualifies as gross misconduct in the workplace? What warrants a dismissal or periodic suspension from work? Laying the ground rules early for your managers makes them competent and consistent in the application of these rules. They can act without fear or favour!

Employee Retention

A high rate of turnover translates to lots of time spent looking for suitable candidates and high costs of training. Your managers must learn how they can retain highly talented and skilled members of their teams. For example, they should coach and expose less experienced employees to challenging tasks to nurture their creativity. Contributing to tasks that matter keeps their team members motivated to stay in your business.
